Looking for Staff

Our Clients

We make sure that all our clients receive a fast but effective and honest approach. We work closely with you to fully understand your requirements and what you are looking to achieve so we can go to our large database of nursing and healthcare professionals to provide you with the right candidates for the job.

We are passionate about providing a high standard of recruitment support into the care and nursing industry but at the same time we are one of the most cost effective recruitment companies currently in the market. Whatever your requirement may be, whether it is a Manager, Clinical Lead, Nurse, Care Assistant, Support Worker or any other Healthcare related role, please do contact us for a discussion on how we can assist you.

We understand that recruitment is not simply putting a CV in front of you, we take away the hard part of the process by fully vetting our candidates, discussing the role in a great amount of detail and making sure that we are confident that the candidate can deliver for you before we put them forward.

We differ from other agencies as we work with our candidates after the interview, after offer and after they have started, this is to provide you, the client, with the best possible service and with candidates that are not only suitable for the role but will stay in the role once they have started.